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Founding Node Lottery: Update

Where the entries came from and how we ran the draw.

Over the past few weeks we have received thousands of entries to win one of 100 Founding Nodes - and with it the chance to be a founding member of our new, shared internet.

Individuals from 589 cities and 87 countries have thrown a hat into the ring, proving that even from day one the DADI network will have a truly global reach. Here’s a map of the applications received:

Heatmap showing lottery entries by city

The Founding Node is a dedicated DADI node, developed with our industrial design partners Blond and produced as a limited edition, exclusively for our early supporters. It is a plug-and-play device that offers compute power to the DADI network and the chance for contributors to earn DADI tokens in return.

The DADI Founding Node

It’s built around a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ - a deliberately low-powered setup designed to demonstrate the power of our network software, and what’s possible in our server-less cloud.

I’ll be writing more about the industrial design and production process in the coming days, but in the meantime here’s more on the vision for the DADI network in homes all over the world.

Our amazing UX&D department put together these city heat maps showing the distribution of participants by continent:

The Americas





The Founding Node lottery was run over the bank holiday weekend here in the UK. We used the following command to pick the winners at random from a csv containing the applicants:

>sort -R applicants.csv | head -n 100 >winners.csv

Weighting was given to individual entries within the csv both by location and by engagement with our community.

If you were among those lucky enough to be picked, I’ll be emailing you directly over the next 48 hours.

Good luck!

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